Bài Tập Trắc Nghiệm Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành – Chọn Đáp Án Đúng Nhất

Bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại hoàn thành sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn cách dùng thì này. Hãy cùng luyện tập ngữ pháp này thông qua những bài tập trắc nghiệm cùng Edmicro nhé!

XEM THÊM: Thi IELTS Có Khó Không? Phương Pháp Làm Bài Hiệu Quả

Giới thiệu bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại hoàn thành
Giới thiệu bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Các dạng bài tập trắc nghiệm thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất cho mỗi câu sau

1. It’s a great movie. I have … that movie many times. 

a) saw

b) seen

c) see 

2. Eve and Rob … Vietnam many times.

a) have been

b) been to

c) have been to

3. Have you … really strange or interesting food? 

a) ever eaten 

b) never eaten 

c) ate 

4. I’ve cleaned the kitchen, but I … the living room yet.

a) haven’t clean

b) haven’t cleaned

c) have cleaned

5. Taylor: … your brother talked to you yet? 

    Susan: Yes, he …. 

a) Has / did 

b) Have / have 

c) Has / has 

6. E: Have you ever seen a ghost?

    F: Yes, I ….

a) have

b) ever

c) never

7. My family and I … to many different countries around the world. 

a) have flown 

b) has flown 

c) flown 

8. A: … your teacher graded the tests?

    B: Yes, she ….

a) Has / has

b) Has / have

c) Have / graded

9. My sister … ridden a bicycle.  

a) never 

b) has never 

c) has ever 

10. Ben has a car, therefore he … to the beach many times.

a) have drive

b) has driven

c) has drove

11. A: … you talked to Mr. Potter? 

      B: No, I …. 

a) Had / haven’t 

b) Have / haven’t 

c) Have / didn’t 

12. A: Have you … your homework?

      B: Yes, I ….

a) done / do

b) did / did

c) done / have

13. I’m sorry, but I … finished my homework yet. 

a) have 

b) hasn’t 

c) haven’t

14. A: … have you been?

      B: Fine, thanks.

a) How

b) What

c) When

15. A: … you finished your lunch yet? 

      B: Yes, I ….

a) Has / has 

b) Has / have 

c) Have / have

16. Have you finished answering all the questions …?

a) yet

b) ever

c) never

17. My little brother, Joe __________ his pajamas and brushed his teeth. He can go to bed now.

a) have worn

b) has worn

c) haven’t worn

d) hasn’t worn

18. Our neighbor ____________ me an invitation card for her wedding party.

a) have given

b) haven’t given

c) has given

d) hasn’t given

19. Peter and Lisa __________ played tic-tac-toe recently.

a) have

b) has

c) haven’t

d) hasn’t

20. Look at that naughty girl! She has _______ pushed her friend.

a) just

b) already

c) yet

d) ago

21. Sam is on a Europe tour now. He ________ to twelve different cities up to now.

a) have gone

b) have been

c) has gone

d) has been 

22. Sue is running back home because it_________ started hailing heavily. She must be quicker.

a) have

b) has

c) haven’t

d) hasn’t

23. My aunt, Liz has read twelve novels ______the summer holiday started.

a) for

b) since

c) yet

d) just

24. Oh god! I ______ lost my way. I have got a map, but I ______ understood it yet.

a) has/hasn’t

b) hasn’t/has

c) have/haven’t

d) haven’t/have 

25. Mary and Bob ________ slept yet. They are awake.

a) hasn’t

b) has

c) haven’t

d) have 

26. My cousin, Kevin is sad because he has just ____________ the water bottle.

a) broken

b) broke

c) break

d) breaked

27. Gary: I ____ seen you for a long time? Where have you _____?

Ann: On holiday in Turkey.

a) have/been

b) haven’t/been

c) have/gone

d) haven’t/gone

28. Mr.Hill _____________ anything yet. He is still surfing the internet on his phone.

a) hasn’t eaten

b) has eaten

c) haven’t eaten

d) have eaten 

29. Now that the hosts of the party ___________, the band can start playing.

a) hasn’t come

b) haven’t come

c) has come

d) have come 

30. Gerorge and his sister are not at home now. They have ____________ out.

a) run

b) left

c) been

d) gone

31. My best friend, Sara has planted a lot of trees ___________ . She loves nature so much.

a) last week

b) yesterday

c) recently

d) an hour ago 

32. Lawrence hasn’t eaten his lunch ____________ because he doesn’t like spinach at all.

a) just

b) yet

c) already

d) since

33. I _______ just ________ a hotdog from the fast food restaurant around the corner.

a) have/bought

b) haven’t/bought

c) has/bought

d) hasn’t/bought

34. Joe: ________have Rita and her friends played so far today?

Sara: Just hide and seek.

a) Where

b) Which

c) Who

d) What

35. Mr.Lewis __________ on a strict diet lately. He only eats salad for lunch every day.

a) has gone

b) have gone

c) has been

d) have been

36. The Harrisons have lived in this small cottage _______ about ten years.

a) since

b) for

c) just

d) yet

Đáp án:

1. b2. c3. a4. b5. c6. a7. a8. a9. b
10. b11. b12. c13. a14. a15. c16. a17. b18. c
19. a20. a21. d22. b23. b24. c25. c26. a27. b
28. a29. d30. d31. c32. b33. a34. d35. a36. b

Bài 2: Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào ô trống

Điền đáp án đúng vào ô trống
Điền đáp án đúng vào ô trống

Câu 1: 

A. has been

B. Was

C. Is

Câu 2:

A. Writes

B. Has wrote

C. Has written

Câu 3: 

A. Has worked

B. Worked

C. Is worked

Câu 4:

A. Have

B. Have been

C. Has been

Câu 5: 

A. Has made

B. Has make

C. Makes 

Câu 6:

A. Has

B. Has been

C. was 

Đáp án:

1. B2. C3. B4. B5. A6. B

Bài 3: Chọn dạng động từ đúng để hoàn thành câu, phân biệt thì hiện tại hoàn thành và quá khứ đơn

1. I ………………… in Kerala when I was a child.

A. lived

B. have lived

2. She …………………… in the morning.

A. arrived

B. has arrived

3. They ……………………….. their first baby.

A. just had

B. have just had

4. She …………………… ill for six months before she died.

A. was

B. has been

5. She …………………. ill for several months.

A. was

B. has been

6. I ……………………. for several hours and then I went home.

A. waited

B. have waited

7. I ……………………… a horror movie last night.

A. watched

B. have watched

8. ………………………. him at the party yesterday?

A. Have you met

B. Did you meet

9. ………………………. anything interesting of late?

A. Did you read

B. Have you read

10. He can’t walk because he …………………….. his leg.

A. broke

B. has broken

11. I …………………….. with an accident yesterday.

A. met

B. have met

12. The police ……………………… the criminal.

A. arrested

B. have arrested

13. I …………………….. to see my brother during my stay in Canada.

A. went

B. have gone

14. I ………………………… anything from him since last week.

A. didn’t hear

B. haven’t heard

15. They ………………………. a couple of minutes ago.

A. left

B. have left

16. They …………………………. married in January.

A. got

B. have got

17. She ……………………….. school at 14.

A. left

B. has left

18. She …………………………… jobless ever since she moved to the country.

A. was

B. has been

19. He …………………………….. his leg.

A. broke

B. has broken

20. She …………………………. working on the project yet.

A. didn’t start

B. hasn’t started

21. There ……………………….. an explosion near the castle in the morning.

A. was

B. has been

22. I ………………………… in this town since I was a child.

A. have lived

B. lived

23. ……………………………… to Italy?

A. Have you ever been

B. Did you ever go

24. Nobody ………………………… the door when I rang the bell.

A. opened

B. has opened

Đáp án:

1. A2. A3. B4. A5. B6. A7. A8. B
9. B10. B11. A12. B13. A14. B15. A16. A
17. A18. B19. B20. B21. A22. A23. A24. A

Bài 4: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1. I …………………… this novel for a couple of days.

A. have read

B. have been reading

2. He ………………… from the US.

A. has returned

B. has been returning

3. The child ………………… enough.

A. has slept

B. has been sleeping

4. I …………………. them for a long time.

A. have known

B. have been knowing

5. You ………………… me any help.

A. have never offered

B. have never been offering

6. The police …………………. the thief.

A. have arrested

B. have been arresting

7. I …………………. the money.

A. have sent

B. have been sending

8. He ……………….. his leg.

A. has broken

B. has been breaking

9. They ………………….. the job.

A. have finished

B. have been finishing

10. The postman has ………………………………..

A. gone

B. been

11. ‘You look tired.’ ‘Yes, I ………………………………. for hours.’

A. am digging

B. have been digging

C. was digging

12. I ……………………………… my dinner.

A. have just had

B. just have

C. just had had

13. He ………………………………. working on that project.

A. finished

B. has finished

C. is finishing

14. I …………………………….. that movie six times.

A. watched

B. have watched

C. had watched

15. I ……………………………….. cleaning the kitchen.

A. have finished

B. have been finishing

16. She ……………………………… to him for 18 years.

A. has been married

B. is married

C. had been married

17. Have you ever …………………………….. a ghost?

A. saw

B. seen

C. see

18. I ……………………………. a lot about him but I …………………………. any opportunity to meet him.

A. have heard, haven’t had

B. have heard, haven’t been having

C. heard, haven’t had

Đáp án:

1. A2. A3. A4. A5. A6. A7. A8. A9. A
10. B11. C12. A13. B14. B15. A16. A17. B18. A

Bài 5: Câu nào sau đây thì hiện tại hoàn thành được sử dụng đúng cách

Câu 1:

A. I has bought a new computer

B. I have bought a new computer

C. I have buyed a new computer

Câu 2:

A. We has left for Edinburgh

B. We have leaved for Edinburgh

C. We have left for Edinburgh

Câu 3:

A. Emily has losed her handbag

B. Emily has lost her handbag

C. Emily have lost her handbag

Câu 4:

A. He has forgotten his homework

B. He has forgotted his homework

C. He have forgotten his homework

Câu 5:

A. The lesson has just began

B. The lesson has just begun

C. The lesson have just begun

Câu 6:

A. Liam has drawed a picture

B. Liam has drawn a picture

C. Liam have drawn a picture

Câu 7:

  1. They has met at the airport
  2. They have meeted at the airport
  3. They have met at the airport

Câu 8:

A. Have you had spaghetti for lunch?

B. Has you had spaghetti for lunch?

C. Had you had spaghetti for lunch?

Câu 9:

A. Where has you gone?

B. Where have you goed?

C. Where have you gone?

Câu 10:

A. Has you ever seen an eagle?

B. Have you ever saw an eagle?

C. Have you ever seen an eagle?

Đáp án:

1. B2. C3. B4. A5. B6. B7. C8. A9. C10. C

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