Accommodation IELTS Speaking: Từ Vựng & Câu Trả Lời Mẫu Band Cao

Accommodation IELTS Speaking là chủ đề nối tiếp series “Hướng dẫn chinh phục IELTS Speaking” của Edmicro. Trong bài viết này, Edmicro mang tới bộ từ vựng và mẫu câu trả lời chi tiết full 3 part, giúp bạn tự tin chinh phục chủ đề này.

Accommodation IELTS Speaking: Từ vựng & Collocations

Từ vựng và Collocations sẽ là trợ thủ đắc lực để bạn hoàn thiện và nâng trình bài nói Accommodation IELTS Speaking của mình. Cùng xem list từ vựng và collocations nào có thể ứng dụng trong chủ đề này nhé.

Từ vựng IELTS Speaking topic Accommodation

Edmicro giới thiệu cho bạn danh mục từ vựng phân theo từ loại trong Speaking IELTS Accommodation.

Danh từ trong IELTS Speaking topic – Home and Accommodation

Danh từ chủ đề Accommodation
Danh từ chủ đề Accommodation

Tính từ trong IELTS Speaking topic Accommodation

Tính từ, động từ chủ đề Accommodation
Tính từ, động từ chủ đề Accommodation

Động từ, cụm động từ trong Accommodation

  • Refurbish /ˌriːˈfɜːbɪʃ/ (v): tân trang nhà cửa
  • Equip /ɪˈkwɪp/ (v): trang bị
  • Settle down (v): ổn định nơi sinh sống
  • Afford to do sth (v): có đủ tiền để trang trải/ mua cái gì
  • Take out a mortgage: đưa ra thế chấp
  • Pay rent in advance: trả tiền thuê trước
  • Do up a property: sửa chữa ngôi nhà cũ
  • Steps to (v): gần với (địa điểm)
  • Get on well with neighbors (v): hòa thuận với hàng xóm
  • Offer a lifestyle of absolute convenience: mang đến một phong cách sống tiện lợi tuyệt đối
  • Surrounded by vibrant landscaped gardens: được bao quanh bởi những khu rừng kiểng rực rỡ

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Từ vựng chủ đề Accommodation
Từ vựng chủ đề Accommodation

Collocations topic Accommodation

  • Have a nice view of: có một góc nhìn đẹp
  • Affordable housing: Nhà ở giá rẻ, phải chăng
  • Recently been renovated: vừa được tân trang, tu sửa lại
  • Take out a mortgage: thế chấp, mượn tiền ngân hàng
  • Move out of: Rời khỏi một nơi ở
  • Move into a new place: Di chuyển đến một nơi ở mới
  • In the heart of the city =  In the center of the city: ở trung tâm thành phố
  • Close-knit neighbors: hàng xóm gắn bó, thân thiết 
  • Be knee-high to a grasshopper : còn bé, còn nhỏ
  • Get on the property ladder: tích cóp tài sản
  • Mod cons: thiết bị công nghệ cần thiết, tiện lợi

Bài mẫu Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1

Trong Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 1, bạn được yêu cầu trả lời các câu hỏi nhỏ trong 30-50s. Câu trả lời yêu cầu ngắn gọn.

  1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?

I currently live in an apartment. It’s a modest, two-bedroom apartment located in a residential complex. It offers a comfortable and convenient living space for me and my family. The apartment complex provides amenities like a parking area and a small garden, making it a suitable choice for our needs.

  • modest (adj): khiêm tốn
  • residential complex (n): khu dân cư
  1. Are the transport facilities to your accommodation very good?

Yes, the transport facilities to my accommodation are quite good. My apartment is located in a well-connected area with easy access to public transportation. There are bus stops and a metro station nearby, which makes commuting around the city convenient. Additionally, there are plenty of taxis available, and ride-sharing services are readily accessible, providing flexibility in transportation options.

  1. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

In my family, we spend most of our time in the living room. It’s the central hub of our home, where we come together to relax, watch TV, have conversations, and enjoy quality time as a family. The living room is designed for comfort and togetherness, and it’s where we create many fond memories.

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Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
  1. Who do you live with?

I currently live with my family. My family includes my parents, my younger sister, and me. We share our apartment, and it’s a close-knit and supportive household. Living with my family brings a sense of togetherness and makes our home a warm and welcoming place. 

  • close-knit (adj): khăng khít, gắn bó
  • sense of togetherness (n): ý thức đoàn kết
  1. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

I don’t have concrete long-term plans about how long I’ll stay in my current accommodation. It largely depends on various factors like job opportunities, lifestyle changes, and personal circumstances. For now, it’s a comfortable and convenient place to live, but I’m open to considering different options in the future if they align with my needs and goals.

  • align with: tuân theo

Bài mẫu Accommodation IELTS Speaking Part 2

Part 2 của chủ để Accommodation Speaking IELTS yêu cầu bạn miêu tả một nơi ở. Để làm tốt phần này, bạn cần tận dụng thời gian 1 phút chuẩn bị để đọc hết các câu hỏi gợi ý trong cue card và phát triển ý dựa trên các câu hỏi này.

Describe the accommodation of someone you know well and that you often visit
Describe the accommodation of someone you know well and that you often visit

Dưới đây là bài mẫu bạn có thể tham khảo cho chủ đề Accommodation IELTS Speaking.

Describe the accommodation of someone you know well and that you often visit

The accommodation I’d like to describe belongs to my close friend, Sarah. I’ve known Sarah since our college days, and we’ve maintained a strong friendship ever since. She’s a wonderful person, and I often visit her place to catch up and spend quality time together.

Sarah’s accommodation is a cozy and charming two-bedroom apartment located in the heart of the city. The apartment has a warm and inviting atmosphere. The living room is tastefully decorated with comfy sofas, a large coffee table, and an array of indoor plants that add a touch of greenery. The soft, earthy color palette in the living room creates a serene ambiance.

The kitchen is modern and well-equipped, with all the latest appliances. It’s one of Sarah’s favorite spots because she loves to cook and experiment with new recipes. The bedrooms are comfortable, and she has an impressive collection of books, giving the rooms a scholarly vibe.

One striking feature of Sarah’s accommodation is the balcony, which overlooks a beautiful park. It’s a serene spot where we often sit, sip tea, and chat for hours, surrounded by the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. It’s a real oasis within the bustling city.

I have a special fondness for Sarah’s accommodation. It exudes warmth and feels like a home away from home. The ambiance, the welcoming decor, and the wonderful company make each visit a delightful experience. Whenever I’m there, it’s as if I’m in a haven of relaxation and good conversation. It’s a place filled with great memories and an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

  • tastefully (adv): có gu
  • serene (adj): thanh bình
  • ambiance (n): bầu không khí
  • appliance (n): thiết bị
  • striking (adj): ấn tượng
  • rustling (adj): xào xạc
  • exude (v): tràn trề 
  • the hustle and bustle (n): sự ồn ào, áo nhiệt

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Bài mẫu Part 3

Trong phần cuối của bài thi IELTS Speaking topic Accommodation bạn sẽ được hỏi các câu hỏi có phần nâng cao, mở rộng, đòi hỏi đưa ra các quan điểm cá nhân nhiều hơn. Có 7 dạng câu hỏi thường gặp: 

  • Opinion: Quan điểm của bạn về vấn đề được đề cập
  • Evaluate: Đánh giá của bạn về một quan điểm khác
  • Future: Dự đoán về vấn đề trong tương lai
  • Cause and Effect: Hệ quả của vấn đề
  • Hypothetical: Bàn luận về một giả thuyết, một tình huống tưởng tượng
  • Compare and Contrast: Bàn về điểm khác biệt và tương đồng
  • Past: Đối sánh vấn đề trong quá khứ với hiện tại
Các dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Speaking Part 3
Các dạng câu hỏi trong IELTS Speaking Part 3

Dưới đây là bộ câu hỏi và câu trả lời mẫu về chủ đề Accommodation IELTS Speaking cho một số loại câu hỏi trên.

1. What kind of apartment is the most popular in your country?

The most popular type of apartment in my country is the condominium, or “condo” for short. Condos are favored for their modern amenities and central city locations, reducing commute times and offering a vibrant urban lifestyle. They come in various sizes, making them suitable for individuals, couples, and families. Condo living often fosters a sense of community through organized events and activities. However, condos can be relatively expensive compared to other housing options, but the allure of modern living, convenience, and community makes them a preferred choice for many.

  • foster (v): nuôi dưỡng
  • allure (n): sự hấp dẫn

2. What is the difference between the houses that young people and old people live in?

The difference between the houses young and older people live in can be summarized by factors like size, affordability, location, and life stage. Young people often opt for smaller, more affordable housing in urban areas due to career beginnings and financial constraints. In contrast, older individuals seek larger, spacious homes, often in suburban or rural settings, as they have families and greater financial stability. The choice of amenities and features can also vary based on age and preferences.

  • constraint (n): căng thẳng
  • spacious (adj): rộng rãi
What is the difference between the houses that young people and old people live in?
What is the difference between the houses that young people and old people live in?

3. What are the differences between houses and apartments?

Houses are standalone structures owned by individuals, offering more space and privacy. They require homeowners to handle maintenance and have a higher cost. In contrast, apartments are units within larger buildings, often offering shared amenities and convenient locations. They are commonly rented and require less maintenance but can have limited space and privacy. The choice depends on individual preferences and needs.

  • amenity (n): tiện nghi

4. Do people usually buy or rent a house? Why?

People in my country make the decision to buy or rent a house based on factors like their current life stage and financial situation. Renting is often chosen for its flexibility, lower initial costs, and suitability for those early in their careers. On the other hand, buying is preferred for stability, long-term investment, and the ability to customize and modify the property. The choice depends on individual circumstances and long-term goals.

Trên đây là bộ từ vựng và mẫu câu trả lời tham khảo cho chủ đề Accommodation IELTS Speaking. Edmicro hy vọng bài viết sẽ cho bạn những gợi ý bổ ích để hoàn thiên thêm bài nói của mình và ghi trọn điểm trong chủ đề này nhé.


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