Chủ Đề IELTS Writing Task 2 – Tổng Hợp 10 Topics Thường Gặp

Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 sẽ được Edmicro IELTS tổng hợp cùng các từ vựng theo từng topic trong bài viết dưới đây!

10 Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2

Dưới đây là 10 chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 thường gặp bao gồm: giáo dục, công nghệ, môi trường, công việc, kinh tế, sức khỏe, chính trị, xã hội và văn hóa. Mỗi chủ đề sẽ có đề bài, bài mẫu và các nhóm từ vựng để thí sinh tham khảo. 

EDUCATION – giáo dục 

Đề mẫu

Nations should spend more money on skills and vocational training for practical work, rather than on university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài làm

In answer to the prompt, I firmly believe that countries ought to spend more money on vocational education and skills for real-world employment. Although attending university is necessary, there are other ways to learn new things and develop new abilities.

First of all, there is a great demand in the workforce for practical skills. Individuals with the necessary skills to quickly close skills gaps in the labor market can benefit from vocational training. For example, a country’s infrastructure and economy can benefit from a boom of skilled laborers such as plumbers and electricians. Likewise, vocational education can be seen as an innovation-promoting force. Outstanding technicians and craftspeople provide doors to increased productivity and eventually technical breakthroughs.

Second, compared to a university education, vocational training is more affordable. Since attending university is expensive, not everyone can afford it. On the other hand, vocational training is more widely available and more reasonably priced. This accessibility can encourage social mobility and lessen the skills gap in the workforce.

To sum up, countries ought to invest more in vocational training and skills for real-world employment. Investing in vocational training allows countries to develop innovative solutions, increase social mobility, and provide their workforce with employable skills.

Từ vựng 

Tính từ:
– Academic (học thuật)
– Comprehensive (toàn diện)
– Hard-working (chăm chỉ)
– Tuition (học phí)
– Curriculum (chương trình học)
– Archeology (khảo cổ học)
– Linguistics (ngôn ngữ học)
– Psychology (tâm lý học)
– Sociology (xã hội học)
Danh từ:
– Certificate (chứng chỉ)
– Double major (song bằng)
– Discuss (thảo luận)
– Freshman/Junior (sinh viên năm nhất)
– Sophomore (sinh viên năm 2)
– Senior (sinh viên năm cuối)
– Bachelor (cử nhân)
– Master (thạc sĩ)
– Degree (bằng)
Động từ:
– Analyze (Phân tích)
– Approach (tiếp cận vấn đề)
– Define (định nghĩa)
EDUCATION - giáo dục
Nations should spend more money on skills and vocational training for practical work. To what extent do you agree?

TECHNOLOGY – công nghệ

Đề mẫu

Task 2

Some people think technology development decreases crime, while others believe it actually encourages crimes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Bài làm

While some claim that technology improvements have reduced crime rates, others argue that they have facilitated the rise of new types of crime. I shall analyze both points of view and offer my personal viewpoint in this article.

Some believe advancements in technology have led to a decrease in crime rates. Security cameras and alarms act as deterrents in public spaces, and law enforcement utilizes sophisticated methods like fingerprinting and facial recognition to solve crimes quicker.

However, others argue that technology has also facilitated the rise of new crimes. Cybercriminals can exploit readily available personal information online, like credit card details. Even traditional crimes can be planned online, with criminals forming groups in social media to plan their crimes.

In conclusion, technology’s impact on crime is a double-edged sword. While it provides powerful tools for law enforcement, it also creates new avenues for criminal activity. To maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks, we need to ensure responsible development of technology alongside effective crime prevention measures.

Từ vựng 

Tính từ:
– Automatic (Tự động)
– Artificial (Nhân tạo)
– Advanced (tiên tiến, cao cấp)
– Isolated (cô lập, biệt lập)
– Efficient (hiệu quả)
– Cutting-edge (mới nhất, hiện đại, tối tân)
– Sophisticated (tinh vi, phức tạp)
– Indispensable (quan trọng)
– Defective (hỏng)
– Obsolete (lỗi thời)
Danh từ:
– Cyberspace (không gian mạng)
– Biotechnology (công nghệ sinh học)
– Breakthrough (Đột phá)
– Advancement (sự tiến bộ, phát triển)
Động từ:
– Activate (kích hoạt)
– Accumulate (Tích lũy)
– Modernize (hiện đại hoá)
– Implement (thi hành, thực thi)
– Instruct (chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn, dạy)
– Regulate (điều khiển, kiểm soát)
Will technology development decrease crime?
Will technology development decrease crime?

ENVIRONMENT – môi trường

Đề mẫu

Task 2

The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

Bài làm

The natural environment has suffered serious harm as a result of the rise in consumer goods production. There are two reasons for this.

First of all, the production of consumer goods generates a lot of trash and hazardous byproducts that are bad for the environment. More pollutants and hazardous waste are released into the environment from companies as more things are created. Numerous marine and terrestrial creatures perish as a result of the air pollution and contaminated water supplies.

Second, the exploitation of natural resources has resulted from the rising demand for consumer products. The destruction of the land is caused by plastics and related packaging materials. Automobiles, electronics, and luxury goods are examples of consumer goods that directly contribute to rising temperatures and the greenhouse effect.

There are various steps that can be taken to address this issue. First and foremost, manufacturing of consumer goods should be subject to stringent government controls. Second, customers need to be informed about how their consumption patterns affect the environment. Lastly, there should be incentives for businesses to implement sustainable methods in their manufacturing procedures. This can entail putting recycling initiatives into place and using sustainable energy sources.

In conclusion, there has been serious harm done to the environment as a result of the rise in consumer goods production. However, we can lessen the damaging effects of consumer goods production on the environment by enacting stringent rules, educating consumers, and providing incentives for businesses to adopt sustainable practices.

Từ vựng 

Tính từ:
– sustainable (bền vững)
– diverse (đa dạng)
– fragile (nhạy cảm)
– precious (đáng giá)
– thriving (tràn đầy nhựa sống)
– threatened (bị đe dọa)
– vulnerable (dễ gặp nguy hiểm) 
Danh từ:
– atmosphere (khí quyển)
– biosphere (lớp trái đất có sinh vật sinh sống)
– climate (khí hậu)
– ecosystem (hệ sinh thái)
– forest (rừng)
– deforestation (giảm diện tích rừng)
– endangered species (động vật quý hiếm)
– global warming (ấm lên toàn cầu), 
Động từ:
– protect (bảo vệ)
– conserve (sử dụng tiết kiệm)
– preserve (bảo tồn)
– improve (cải thiện)
– recycle (tái chế)
– reuse (sử dụng lại)
– reduce (giảm thiểu)
– restore (phục hồi)
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this?
The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this?

WORK – công việc

Đề mẫu

Task 2:

Large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Bài làm

Some people believe that large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers, while others disagree. In my opinion, I agree with the former view.

CEOs and executives are responsible for making crucial decisions that can greatly impact the success of a company. They hold important positions within the company and are expected to have more experience and skills than other employees. Therefore, it is reasonable for them to receive higher salaries than other workers.

However, it is important to ensure that the wage gap between the executives and other employees is not too large. A large wage gap can lead to discontent among employees, which can negatively affect the company’s productivity and morale. Therefore, companies should ensure that the salaries of executives are reasonable and justifiable.

In conclusion, I believe that large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers. However, the wage gap should be reasonable and justifiable to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and that the company’s productivity and morale are not negatively affected.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Part-time (bán thời gian)
– Full-time (toàn thời gian)
– Hybrid (làm việc kết hợp tại văn phòng và làm từ xa)
– White-collar (nhân viên văn phòng)
– Blue-collar (người lao động chân tay, công nhân)
– Multinational (đa quốc gia)
Danh từ:
– Leadership (sự lãnh đạo)
– Workplace (nơi làm việc)
– Manual labor (lao động chân tay)
– Mental work (lao động trí óc)
– Sick leave (nghỉ ốm)
– Perk (lương/thưởng)
– Job description (mô tả công việc)
Động từ:
– Supervise (giám sát)
– Procrastinate (trì hoãn)
– Perform (làm việc chuyên nghiệp)
– Apply (nộp đơn)
– Manage (quản lý)
– Execute (tiến hành)
Some people believe that large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers, while others disagree
Some people believe that large companies should pay higher salaries to CEOs and executives compared to other workers, while others disagree

ECONOMY – kinh tế

Đề mẫu 

Task 2:

Some experts believe that when a country is already rich, any additional increase in economic wealth does not make its citizens any more satisfied. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Bài làm

Some experts say that when a country is already wealthy, people don’t get any happier even if they get even richer. I kind of agree that money isn’t everything, but I also think a growing economy still matters for happiness.

Once people have enough for food, clothes, and a place to live, extra money might not make them feel much better. Fancy things only bring short-term joy. Also, things like strong friendships, good health, and feeling like their life has meaning are more important for happiness than a big bank balance.

On the other hand, a richer country can invest in things that make people happier. Better schools and hospitals mean people are healthier and learn more. Fixing roads, parks, and other things makes life more enjoyable. Plus, when there’s less poverty and people feel more financially secure, they feel calmer and happier.

In conclusion, while money isn’t the only thing that makes people happy, a growing economy in a rich country is still important. It allows the country to invest in things that directly affect people’s well-being and overall happiness. The key is to use this money wisely for everyone’s benefit.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Economic (liên quan đến kinh tế)
– Financial (liên quan đến tiền)
– Commercial (liên quan đến việc kinh doanh)
– Stable (ổn định), Flourishing (tăng trưởng)
– Resilient (tăng trở lại)
– Declining (giảm)
– Volatile (biến động lớn)
Danh từ:
– Market (thị trường)
– Industry (ngành)
– Competition (sự cạnh tranh)
– Supply (cung)
– Demand (cầu)
– Price (giá)
– Profit (lợi nhuận)
– Inflation (lạm phát)
– Policy (chính sách)
Động từ:
– Invest (đầu tư)
– Trade (trao đổi)
– Develop (phát triển)
– Fluctuate (biến động)
– Collapse (sụp đổ)
– Stagnate (không tăng trưởng)
Chủ đề Economy - kinh tế là một topic khó, nhưng xuất hiện khá thường xuyên
Chủ đề Economy – kinh tế là một topic khó, nhưng xuất hiện khá thường xuyên

HEALTH –  Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 sức khỏe

Đề mẫu

Scientists tell us some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that millions of people continue doing unhealthy activities. What are the causes and what are the solutions?

Bài làm

Despite knowing that some activities are good for health and others are bad, millions of people continue doing unhealthy activities. There are several reasons for this trend.

Firstly, advancements in technology have discouraged people from doing physical activities. People are spending more time on their phones, computers, and other electronic devices, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. This can lead to various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Secondly, unhealthy activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and consuming junk food are often portrayed as glamorous and cool in the media. This can influence young people to adopt these unhealthy habits, leading to long-term health problems.

To address this issue, governments and organizations can take several measures. Firstly, they can launch public awareness campaigns to educate people about the dangers of unhealthy activities. Secondly, they can provide incentives for people to adopt healthy habits such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and quitting smoking. Finally, they can regulate the advertising of unhealthy products to reduce their appeal to young people.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why people continue to engage in unhealthy activities despite knowing their negative effects. However, by taking measures such as public awareness campaigns, incentives, and regulation of advertising, we can encourage people to adopt healthy habits and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Healthy ( khỏe mạnh)
– Vigorous/robust (rất khỏe mạnh)
– Vibrant (tràn đầy sức sống)
– Ailing (ốm yếu)
– Delicate (dễ bị thương)
– Diseased (gặp bệnh)
– Pained (đau đớn)
– Neglected (không được/không quan tâm đến sức khỏe)
Danh từ:
– Wellness (sức khỏe tổng thể)
– Healthcare (dịch vụ chăm sóc)
– Medicine (thuốc)
– Symptom (triệu chứng)
– Diagnosis (chẩn đoán)
– Treatment (điều trị)
– Prevention (phòng bệnh)
Động từ:
– Exercise (thể dục)
– Surgery (phẫu thuật)
– Nurse (chăm sóc)
– Rehabilitate (phục hồi)
– Vaccinate (tiêm vaccin)
HEALTH -  Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 sức khỏe
HEALTH –  IELTS Writing Task 2 chủ đề sức khỏe

POLITICS – Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 chính trị

Đề mẫu 

Task 2:

In some countries, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians. Why? Is this negative or positive? 

Bài làm

In some countries, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians. There are several reasons for this trend.

Firstly, celebrities have a unique set of skills that are in high demand. They are often talented actors, musicians, or athletes who have a large following and can generate significant revenue for the entertainment industry. Politicians, on the other hand, are public servants who are responsible for governing the country. While their role is important, it does not generate as much revenue as the entertainment industry.

Secondly, the entertainment industry is highly competitive, and celebrities are often paid high salaries to attract and retain top talent. This is not the case for politicians, who are often paid a fixed salary that is determined by the government.

In my opinion, this trend is neither positive nor negative. It is simply a reflection of the market demand for different types of skills. However, it is important to ensure that the salaries of politicians are reasonable and justifiable. They play an important role in society and should be compensated fairly for their work.

In conclusion, celebrities earn higher salaries than senior politicians in some countries due to the unique set of skills they possess and the high demand for their services. While this trend is neither positive nor negative, it is important to ensure that politicians are compensated fairly for their work.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Adversarial (đối nghịch)
– Autocratic (chuyên quyền, độc tài)
– Bipartisan (nhiều đảng phái hoạt động với nhau để đạt cùng mục đích)
– Controversial (gây tranh cãi); Corrupt (suy đồi, tham nhũng)
– Democratic (dân chủ, đảng dân chủ)
– Ideological (tư tưởng)
– Partisan (đảng phái)
– Polarized (Phân cực)
– Tyrannical (tàn bạo, chuyên chế). 
Danh từ:
– Politician (chính trị gia)
– Political party (đảng phái)
– Government (chính phủ)
– Constitution (hiến pháp)
– Election (cuộc bầu cử)
– Law (luật)
– Policy (chính sách)
– Authority (thẩm quyền). 
Động từ:
– Vote (bỏ phiếu)
– Campaign (tranh cử)
– Debate (tranh luận)
– Legislate (làm luật)
– Enact (ban hành)
– Regulate (điều chỉnh)
– Subsidize (trợ cấp)
– Negotiate (đàm phán)
Từ vựng chủ đề chính trị - Politics
Từ vựng chủ đề chính trị – Politics

SOCIETY – Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 xã hội

Đề mẫu

Task 2:

Many men and women are making the decision to have children later in life. Why is this trend occurring? What are the impacts of this development on both family and society?

Bài làm

Having children later in life is a decision made by many men and women. There are various reasons why this trend is happening. One explanation for this is that many people prioritize their work and financial security before starting a family. People delaying having children until they meet the proper partner is another factor. Furthermore, having children later in age has become easier for people because of advances in medical technology.

This trend has profound effects on society and the family. Having children later in life can indicate to families that the parents are more financially stable and have more life experience. The child’s home environment may become more stable and secure as a result. There are, nevertheless, a few possible drawbacks. For instance, there may be a higher risk of health issues during pregnancy and childbirth, and older parents may not have the stamina to keep up with young children.

The tendency of delaying having children until later in life can have both advantages and disadvantages for society. Positively, elderly parents might be more responsible and well-suited to raise their kids. Furthermore, older parents could have more secure finances, which is good for the economy. There are, nevertheless, a few possible drawbacks. For instance, if more people put off having children, the birth rate may drop, which might have long-term negative effects on the economy and society.

In conclusion, a lot more men and women are deciding, for a number of reasons, to have children later in life. This tendency affects families and society in both positive and negative ways, but it is certain that it will most likely continue in the future.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Civilized (văn minh)
– Advanced (trình độ cao)
– Developed (phát triển)
– Underdeveloped (phát triển chậm/chưa phát triển)
– Developing (đang phát triển)
– Traditional (truyền thống)
– Modern (hiện đại)
– Progressive (cấp tiến)
– Conservative (cổ hủ)
– Collectivist (chủ nghĩa tập thể)
– Individualistic (chủ nghĩa cá nhân)
– Pluralistic (xã hội đa dạng sắc tộc văn hóa)
– Monocultural (ngược lại của Pluralistic)
Danh từ:
– Community (cộng đồng)
– Social class (tầng lớp xã hội)
– Social group (các đối tượng xã hội)
Động từ:
– Socialize (gặp gỡ trong các sự kiện xã hội)
– Communicate (giao tiếp)
– Cooperate (hợp tác)
– Compete (thi đấu)
– Conform (cư xử chuẩn mực)
– Deviate (xử sự ngỗ ngược)
– Assimilate (gia nhập cộng đồng)
– Discriminate (phân biệt đối xử)
-Advocate (ủng hộ)
Từ vựng và bài mẫu chủ đề Society (Xã hội)
Từ vựng và bài mẫu chủ đề Society (Xã hội)

CULTURE – Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 văn hóa

Đề mẫu

Task 2: Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Bài làm

Some people believe that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. In my opinion, both views have their merits.

On the one hand, the increasing business and cultural contact between countries can be seen as a positive development. It can lead to greater economic growth, increased cultural exchange, and improved international relations. For example, countries can learn from each other’s best practices and develop new ideas and technologies. This can lead to greater innovation and progress. Moreover, cultural exchange can help people understand and appreciate different cultures, which can lead to greater tolerance and understanding.

On the other hand, some people believe that many countries will lose their national identities as a result of increasing business and cultural contact. They argue that globalization can lead to the homogenization of cultures and the loss of unique cultural traditions. For example, the spread of Western culture through globalization has led to the decline of traditional cultures in many parts of the world. This can lead to a loss of cultural diversity and a sense of identity.

In my opinion, the benefits of increasing business and cultural contact between countries outweigh the drawbacks. While it is true that globalization can lead to the loss of unique cultural traditions, it can also lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding. Moreover, the economic benefits of globalization are significant and can help to improve the lives of people around the world. However, it is important to ensure that globalization is managed in a way that is sustainable and equitable for all countries.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Pluralistic (xã hội đa dạng sắc tộc văn hóa)
– Monocultural (ngược lại của Pluralistic)
– Diverse (đa dạng)
– Dynamic (luôn thay đổi và phát triển)
– Material (vật chất)
– Non-material (phi vật chất)
Danh từ:
– Arts
– Beliefs (tín ngưỡng)
– Customs (phong tục)
– Heritage (di sản)
– Literature (văn học)
– Religion (tôn giáo)
– Value (giá trị)
Động từ:
– Create (sáng tạo)
– Develop (phát triển)
– Preserve (bảo tồn)
– Promote (quảng bá)
– Celebrate (chúc mừng)
– Commemorate (ghi nhớ)
– Appreciate (đánh giá cao)
CULTURE - Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 văn hóa
Chủ đề Văn hóa (Culture)

CURRENT EVENTS – Chủ đề IELTS Writing Task 2 Tin tức thời sự

Đề mẫu

Task 2

More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?

Bài làm 

Some people believe that the trend of people getting news about the world through the internet instead of reading newspapers or watching TV programs is a positive development, while others think it is a negative one. In my opinion, the trend is a positive development.

On the one hand, the trend of people getting news about the world through the internet can be seen as a positive development. It can lead to greater access to information, increased convenience, and improved international relations. For example, people can obtain up-to-date news and analysis on a variety of topics, including politics, sports, and business, with just a few clicks. This can lead to greater awareness and understanding of global issues. Moreover, the internet allows for immediate sharing of breaking news, providing people with the latest information as events unfold.

On the other hand, some people believe that the trend of people getting news about the world through the internet is a negative development. They argue that the internet can be a source of misinformation and fake news, which can lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Moreover, the decline of traditional media outlets such as newspapers and TV programs can lead to a loss of jobs and a decline in the quality of journalism.

In my opinion, the benefits of people getting news about the world through the internet outweigh the drawbacks. While it is true that the internet can be a source of misinformation, it can also be a powerful tool for fact-checking and verifying information. Moreover, the convenience and accessibility of the internet can help to improve the lives of people around the world. However, it is important to ensure that people are able to access accurate and reliable information, and that traditional media outlets are able to adapt to the changing landscape of news consumption.

Từ vựng

Tính từ:
– Unprecedented (chưa từng xảy ra, chưa có tiền lệ)
– Uncertain (không chắc chắn)
– Volatile (thay đổi bất chợt)
– Tumultuous (náo loạn)
– Complex (phức tạp)
Danh từ:
– War (chiến tranh)
– Story (câu chuyện)
– Report (báo cáo)
– Article (bài viết)
– Headline (tiêu đề bài viết)
– Breaking news (tin nóng)
– Exclusive (độc quyền)
– Journalist (Nhà báo)
– News broadcast (Tin tức phát sóng)
Động từ:
– Transpire (truyền tải)
– Occur (xảy ra)
– Unfold (tiết lộ)
– Escalate (chuyển biến nghiêm trọng hơn, leo thang)
– De-escalate (ngược lại Escalate)
– Resolve (giải quyết)
– Conclude (kết luận)
CURRENT EVENTS - Tin tức thời sự
CURRENT EVENTS – Tin tức thời sự
Writing PC
Tự học PC

Tổng quan về IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 là một phần thi quan trọng trong bài thi IELTS. Đây là bài thi đánh giá khả năng viết nghị luận của thí sinh về một vấn đề trong cuộc sống (giáo dục, công nghệ, kinh tế, môi trường, v.v). 

XEM THÊM TẠI: IELTS Writing Task 2: Thông Tin Đầy Đủ Và Chi Tiết Nhất

Đặc điểm IELTS General Writing Task 2

  • Vị trí và số điểm: phần 2 của bài thi viết, chiếm 2/3 tổng điểm toàn bài. 
  • Độ dài tối thiểu: 250 từ.
  • Thời gian: trong khoảng 40 phút.

Về tiêu chí chấm điểm, IELTS Writing Task 2 sẽ có những tiêu chí như sau: 

  • Task Achievement (Đạt được yêu cầu): Thí sinh có thể hiểu và hoàn thành yêu cầu của đề bài hay không.
  • Coherence and Cohesion (Tính mạch lạc và liên kết): Bài viết có mạch lạc, rõ ràng, dễ hiểu hay không.
  • Lexical Resource (Sự phong phú của từ vựng): Thí sinh sử dụng từ vựng đa dạng, chính xác hay không.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (Mức độ đa dạng và chính xác về mặt ngữ pháp): Thí sinh sử dụng ngữ pháp đa dạng, chính xác hay không.


Việc luyện tập thường xuyên Từ Vựng IELTS Writing Task 2 sẽ giúp bạn thêm tự tin, rèn luyện kỹ năng viết và phản xạ trước câu hỏi. Edmicro IELTS chúc bạn đạt được kết quả mong muốn trong kỳ thi IELTS! 

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