Chủ Đề IELTS Speaking Part 1: Câu Hỏi & Sample Band Cao Đầy Đủ Nhất

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32 chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 & sample band cao

Với mỗi chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 dưới đây, Edmicro sẽ tổng hợp các sample band cao. Bạn có thể học hỏi từ các sample này để có bài nói về các chủ đề Speaking Part 1 tốt nhất. 

Work and study

Work and study là chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 có tần suất xuất hiện cao do đây là chủ đề phù hợp để thí sinh giới thiệu về bản thân.

Chủ đề Work and Sutdy
Chủ đề Work and SutdyHọc tập và Công việc
  1.  Are you working or are you a student?

I am not currently a student. I have completed my studies, and I’m now in the workforce. I work as an English teacher and have been gaining valuable experience in the education field since I graduated.

  • in the workforce: nằm trong lực lượng lao động
  1. What do you like about your job?

I like several aspects of my job. Teaching childrens is enjoyable, interesting and challenging. I find it rewarding to see the impact of my contributions and maintain a good work-life balance.

  • rewarding (adj): mang tính tưởng thưởng
  • maintain (v): duy trì
  1. What do you do after work?

After work, I like to unwind and relax. I often spend time with my family and friends, catching up on our days and sharing stories. I also enjoy hobbies like reading, watching movies, and occasionally going for a run to stay active. 

  • unwind (v): thư giãn
  • catch up on (phrasal verb): bắt kịp


  1. Where are you living now?

I’m currently living in a cozy apartment in the heart of Ha Noi. It’s a comfortable place that I’ve called home for many years, and I really enjoy the convenience and the sense of community in my neighborhood.

  • cozy (adj): ấm cúng
  • in the heart of: ở trung tâm của
  • sense of community (n): ý thức cộng đồng
  1.  How long have you been living there?

I’ve been living in my current apartment for approximately 20 years. It’s been a great place to call home, and I’ve enjoyed the comfort and convenience it offers during this time.

  1. Which room do you like most in your house?

I particularly enjoy my living room. It’s the heart of my home, a cozy space where I can relax, read, or spend time with friends and family. The soft, warm colors and comfortable furniture make it a welcoming place, and it’s where I have many fond memories.

Chủ đề Home
Chủ đề Home – nhà

Leisure time

  1. What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy a variety of activities. I’m an avid reader, so you’ll often find me engrossed in a good book. I also like to stay active, so I go for runs, visit the gym, or take long walks to stay fit. Occasionally, I like to meet up with friends to catch up or explore new places in the city.

  •  an avid reader (n): người đọc nhiệt thành
  • engross in: đắm chìm vào
  1. Do you think hobbies are important?

Yes, hobbies hold a significant place in our lives. They provide a valuable escape from the routine and pressures of work or academic responsibilities. Hobbies also allow us to explore our interests and passions.

  1. Which hobby do you like to try in the future?

In the future, I’d like to explore photography as a hobby. I’m intrigued by the idea of capturing moments and playing with visual storytelling through the lens. It’s a creative and visually engaging activity that I’m eager to try.

  • intrigued (adj): thu hút
Leisure time/Hobby là một chủ đề quen thuộc trong Speaking part 1
Leisure time/Hobby là một chủ đề quen thuộc trong Speaking part 1


  1. What type of clothes do you enjoy wearing?

I prefer casual and comfortable clothing. I like wearing jeans or trousers along with T-shirts or shirts. Comfort is a top priority for me, and I feel at ease in casual attire. However, I also enjoy dressing up for special occasions, opting for formal wear like suits or dresses when the situation calls for it.

  • a top priority (n): ưu tiên hàng đầu
  • feel at ease: cảm thấy thư giãn
  • attire (n): trang phục
  • dress up (v): ăn mặc đẹp
  • opt for (v): lựa chọn
  • call for (v): yêu cầu
  1.  Do you enjoy buying clothes?

Yes, I do enjoy shopping for clothes. It can be a fun and rewarding experience to explore different styles and find items that suit my taste. I often view it as a way to express myself and stay updated with the latest fashion trends. However, I try to strike a balance between enjoying shopping and being mindful of my budget. So, it’s both an enjoyable activity and a responsible one for me.

  • suit my taste: hợp gu
  • stay updated with: cập nhật, bắt kịp với
  1. Has your style of clothing changed compared to 10 years ago?

Yes, my style of clothing has definitely evolved over the past decade. Ten years ago, I used to prefer a more casual and relaxed style, often wearing jeans and T-shirts. However, as I’ve grown older, my wardrobe has become more diverse. I now appreciate a wider range of clothing, including business attire for work, and I’ve become more fashion-conscious.

  • diverse (adj): đa dạng
  • fashion-conscious (adj): có sự am hiểu thời trang
Chủ đề Fashion trong IELTS Speaking
Chủ đề Fashion trong IELTS Speaking


  1.  What kind of city do you like?

I prefer cities that strike a balance between modernity and nature. I appreciate well-developed infrastructure, including excellent public transportation and modern amenities, as they make life more convenient. However, I also value green spaces and a connection to nature for a more balanced and tranquil environment. 

  • strike a balance (V): thiết lập sự cân bằng
  • tranquil (adj): yên bình
  1. Do you like the city you are living in now?

Yes, I really like the city I’m living in. It’s vibrant and culturally rich, with great transportation and green spaces. The city’s diversity and culinary scene add to its appeal, making it an enjoyable place to live.

  • vibrant (adj): sống động
  • diversity (n): sự đa dạng
  • culinary (adj): thuộc về ăn uống, ẩm thực
  1. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

I prefer the city to the countryside for several reasons. Firstly, the city offers convenience with easy access to essential services and entertainment. Secondly, it provides abundant educational and career opportunities, fostering personal growth and professional development. Moreover, the cultural diversity in the city enriches my life, allowing me to engage with different cultures and perspectives.

  •  abundant (adj): đa dạng, dồi dào
  • enrich (v): làm giàu
  • perspective (n): quan điểm

XEM THÊM: Top 10 Sách Luyện Speaking IELTS Từ Cơ Bản Đến Nâng Cao

City - thành phố cũng là một topic thường gặp trong Speaking IELTS Part 1
City – thành phố cũng là một topic thường gặp trong Speaking IELTS Part 1


  1. Have you ever lived in the countryside?

No, I haven’t had the opportunity to live in the countryside. I’ve spent most of my life in urban areas, and while I appreciate the natural beauty and serenity of the countryside, I haven’t experienced living there. I’ve visited rural areas for vacations, and I enjoy the peaceful environment, but my day-to-day life has primarily been in cities.

  • serenity (n): sự yên bình
  1. What do you usually do in the countryside?

In the countryside, I typically spend my time enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and going for walks. I also like to have picnics with family and friends, taking in the natural beauty and tranquility of the rural areas.

  1. Will you live in the countryside in the future?

I’m open to the idea of living in the countryside in the future. It offers a peaceful lifestyle that I find appealing, but my decision will depend on my circumstances and career opportunities at that time.

  • appealing (adj): hấp dẫn
Chủ đề Countryside
Chủ đề Countryside trong IELTS Speaking Part 1


  1. What is your favorite season?

My favorite season is definitely autumn. I love the crisp, cool weather and the beautiful transformation of nature as the leaves change color. It’s a perfect time for outdoor activities like hiking and enjoying the stunning landscapes. Additionally, the cozy atmosphere with warm sweaters and hot beverages is very inviting. Autumn has a unique charm that I find both refreshing and soothing.

  • crisp (adj): hanh khô
  • beverage (n): đồ uống
  • soothing (adj): êm ái
  1. What do you think are the effects of climate change in recent years?

Climate change in recent years has led to more severe weather events, rising temperatures, and increased sea levels. It’s also affecting ecosystems, agriculture, and contributing to social and environmental challenges like displacement of populations and resource scarcity. It’s a complex issue that requires global cooperation for mitigation.

  • severe (adj): nghiêm trọng
  • displacement (n): di cư
  • scarcity (n): sự khan hiếm
  • cooperation (n): sự phối hợp
  • mitigation (n): sự làm giảm
  1. What’s the weather like in your country?

The weather in my country varies with the seasons. Summers are hot and humid, winters are cold with occasional snow, and spring and autumn are mild and pleasant. However, regional variations can bring different climates to different parts of the country.

  • humid (adj): hanh khô
Các câu hỏi thường gặp về chủ đề thời tiết - Weather
Các câu hỏi thường gặp về chủ đề thời tiết – Weather


  1. Do you have many books at home?

Yes, I have quite a few books at home. I’m an avid reader, so over the years, I’ve accumulated a diverse collection of books, ranging from fiction and non-fiction to academic texts. My bookshelf is a source of knowledge, entertainment, and personal growth, and I enjoy spending time exploring the worlds within those pages.

  • an avid reader (n): người đọc nhiệt thành 
  1. How often do you read books?

I read books regularly as it’s a hobby I’m quite passionate about. On average, I try to read at least a few times a week, but it can vary depending on my schedule. Sometimes, I’ll spend hours engrossed in a novel over a weekend, while other times, I might read for shorter periods during the evenings. It’s a habit that I find both relaxing and intellectually stimulating.

  • passionate about (v): đam mê
  • engrossed in (v): chìm đắm vào
How often do you read books?
How often do you read books?
  1. What kind of books do you like to read?

I enjoy a wide variety of books, but my preferences lean towards fiction and non-fiction. In fiction, I particularly like novels that explore different cultures and historical periods. Mystery and science fiction are also genres that I find intriguing. When it comes to non-fiction, I’m drawn to books on science, psychology, and self-improvement.

  • lean towards (v): có thiên hướng nghiêng về phía nào
  • intriguing (adj): hấp dẫn


Trong số các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1, Photography là 1 chủ đề khá lạ. Tuy nhiên đây vẫn có thể là 1 chủ đề dễ nếu bạn biết cách liên kết đến các vấn đề đơn giản hơn.

  1. Do you like taking photographs?

Yes, I do enjoy taking photographs. It’s a hobby that I find quite rewarding. I like capturing special moments, beautiful landscapes, and interesting details in everyday life. Photography allows me to be creative and to share my perspective with others. 

  • rewarding (adj): vinh dự
  1. How often do you take photos?

I take photos fairly regularly, especially when I come across something interesting or want to document special moments. On average, I’d say I take photos a few times a week. It might be during outings with friends, when traveling, or even when I encounter something visually captivating during my daily routine. Photography is a way for me to capture and cherish moments, so I tend to do it quite frequently.

  • come across (v): tình cờ bắt gặp
  • visually captivating (adj): bắt mắt

XEM THÊM: Luyện Speaking IELTS: Cách Học Và Nguồn Học Hiệu Quả

How often do you take photos?
How often do you take photos?
  1. In which situation do you like to take photos?

I enjoy taking photos in different situations. Traveling to new places is a favorite, capturing local culture and beauty. Family gatherings and special occasions are also great for preserving memories. Additionally, I love photographing nature’s beauty, like sunsets and landscapes. It’s a way to relive and share these moments.


  1.  Do you usually help people around you?

Yes, I try my best to help people around me whenever I can. Whether it’s assisting a friend with a problem, offering support to a family member, or volunteering in my community, I believe in the importance of lending a helping hand.

  • assist somebody with something = lending a helping hand: giúp đỡ ai cái gì
  1. How do you help people around you, such as neighbours, family and friends?

I help people around me in different ways. With neighbors, I assist with tasks like collecting mail and shoveling snow. For family and friends, I offer emotional support, provide advice, and share my skills, such as tutoring or helping with household projects. Being there for others is important to me and strengthens our relationships.

  1. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

Yes, my parents have played a significant role in teaching me the value of helping others. From a young age, they instilled in me the importance of empathy, kindness, and lending a hand to those in need. They led by example, showing me how to be compassionate and offering assistance to family, friends, and even strangers. 

  • played a significant role: đóng vai trò quan trọng
  •  instill in (v): làm cho khắc ghi cái gì
Help - sự giúp đỡ cũng là một chủ đề thường gặp trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1
Help – sự giúp đỡ cũng là một chủ đề thường gặp trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1


  1. Would you ever like to be a teacher?

Yes, the idea of becoming a teacher is something I’ve considered. Teaching is a noble profession that allows you to impart knowledge and make a positive impact on students’ lives. I find it appealing to share my expertise and help others learn and grow. 

  • noble (adj): danh tiếng
  1.  Do you think you could be a teacher?

I believe I have the potential to be a teacher. I have a strong passion for sharing knowledge and helping others learn. Additionally, I have good communication skills and patience, which are important qualities for teaching. While I haven’t pursued a teaching career yet, I think with the right training and experience, I could be an effective teacher in the future.

  1. Did you have a favorite teacher at school?

Yes, I had a favorite teacher in school, Ms. Smith, my English teacher. She made the subject engaging and fun, and her dedication to her students left a lasting impression on me. I’m grateful for her inspiring teaching.

Chủ đề School trong bài Nói IELTS Part 1
Chủ đề School (trường học) trong bài Nói IELTS Part 1


  1. Do you write by hand?

Yes, I do write by hand, although not as frequently as I used to. With the prevalence of digital devices, I find myself typing on a keyboard more often for convenience. However, I still value the act of handwriting, especially for personal notes, journaling, or greeting cards. It adds a personal touch and a sense of connection that digital communication can’t quite replicate.

  • prevalence (n): sự chiếm ưu thế
  • replicate (v): sao chép
  1. Do you think writing will be replaced in the future?

I believe that while digital technology and typing have become more prominent in our lives, writing by hand will not be entirely replaced in the future. Handwriting carries a personal and artistic element that can’t be replicated by digital means. It’s a unique form of expression, and people often find it enjoyable for creative purposes.

  • prominent (adj): nổi bật
  1. Is it still necessary to teach children how to write by hand?

Yes, I believe it’s still necessary to teach children how to write by hand. Handwriting is a fundamental skill that helps develop fine motor skills and cognitive functions. It’s a form of personal expression and an essential means of communication.

  • fine motor skill (n): kỹ năng vận động thô
  1. What sort of impression can a handwriting have on other people?

Handwriting can leave a strong impression on others. It reflects one’s personality and attention to detail. Neat and legible handwriting can suggest professionalism, while messy handwriting may be seen as a lack of care. It also adds a personal and sincere touch to communication.

  • legible (adj): dễ nhìn
Chủ đề Handwriting
Chủ đề Handwriting (chữ viết tay) tuy không phổ biến, nhưng vẫn nên lưu ý các bạn nhé!


  1. Do you like to watch films?

Yes, I really enjoy watching films. They are a great source of entertainment and offer a diverse range of experiences. It’s a fun way to unwind and spend time with friends and family.

  1. What kinds of movies do you like best?

I enjoy dramas and documentaries the most. Dramas offer rich storytelling and character development, while documentaries provide insights into real-world issues. However, I’m open to other genres depending on my mood.

  1. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

I appreciate both foreign films and those made in my country, each offering a unique perspective. Foreign films often expose me to diverse cultures and storytelling styles, broadening my horizons. On the other hand, I also take pride in the films produced in my country, as they reflect our culture and local experiences. So, I don’t have a strict preference; it depends on the quality and the story behind the film, regardless of its origin.

Do you like to watch films?
Do you like to watch films?

Hangout with friend

  1. How often do you like to hang out with friends?

I enjoy spending time with friends, and how often I hang out with them depends on our schedules and commitments. Ideally, I try to meet with friends at least once a week, often during the weekends, to catch up, relax, and have a good time together. However, sometimes our busy lives make it challenging to meet that often, so we aim for quality over quantity in our get-togethers.

  • hang out with: ra ngoài chơi, dành thời gian với ai
  • commitment (n): sự cam kết
  • get-together (n): cuộc tụ họp, gặp gỡ
  1. Who do you usually like to hang out with?

I typically enjoy spending time with a diverse group of people. This includes my close friends, with whom I have a strong bond and share common interests. I also value quality time with my family, especially my parents and siblings. Their presence and support are essential in my life, so I cherish moments spent with them

  1. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?

When I hang out with friends, we like to go to a variety of places. It often depends on our mood and interests. Sometimes, we enjoy going to cozy cafes to chat over a cup of coffee or tea. Other times, we opt for lively places like restaurants or pubs where we can have a good meal and enjoy the atmosphere.

  • opt for (v): lựa chọn
Chủ đề Hangout with friend trong Part 1 IELTS Speaking
Chủ đề Hangout with friends


  1. Do you think it is important for a person to be punctual?

Yes, I believe punctuality is an important trait. Being punctual shows respect for other people’s time and commitments. It helps build trust and reliability in both personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, punctuality contributes to better time management and productivity. It’s a key aspect of being responsible and professional, which can enhance one’s reputation and success in various aspects of life.

  • punctuality (n): sự đúng giờ
  • punctual (adj): đúng giờ
  1. How do you feel when others are late?

When others are late, it can be somewhat frustrating, especially if I’m waiting for them. I value punctuality, so when someone is late, it can disrupt plans and cause inconvenience. However, I understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes cause delays, so I try to be patient and understanding, depending on the situation. It’s always better to communicate and let others know if you’ll be late to manage expectations and minimize any negative impact.

  • frustrating (adj): bực tức
  • disrupt (v): làm gián đoạn
  • unforeseen (adj): không được dự đoán trước
  1. How often do you check the time?

I check the time quite often since I am very aware of the timing. I think it is good behavior for me to practice punctuality and show a good image of myself to everyone. Besides, thanks to keeping track of the time, I can remind other people as well, therefore, they may have a positive look at me.

Topic Puncyuality IELTS Speaking Part 1
Topic Punctuality (đúng giờ) trong IELTS Speaking Part 1


  1. Are there many museums in your country?

I tend to check the time quite regularly throughout the day. I rely on my watch or my phone to keep track of time to ensure that I stay on schedule and meet my commitments. This habit helps me manage my daily activities effectively, make sure I’m punctual, and stay organized. It’s an essential part of my daily routine.

  • keep track of (v): dõi theo, để ý đến
  • stay on schedule: đúng lịch trình
  • stay organized: có tổ chức
  1.  Do you think museums are useful for visitors?

Yes, of course. Museums, from my perspective, play a pivotal role in enlarging people’s awareness relating to arts and science. Additionally, they are also beneficial for those who are doing R&D and want to hone their skills within their field or area.

  • pivotal (adj): quan trọng
  • hone (v): mài giũa
  1.  Do you often visit museums?

Yes, I enjoy visiting museums, but I don’t go as frequently as I’d like to. Museums offer a great opportunity to explore art, history, and culture. I find these visits to be both educational and inspiring. However, due to my busy schedule, I can’t visit museums as often as I would prefer. When I do get the chance, though, I make the most of it and try to learn something new with each visit.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Museum
Museum – bảo tàng cũng là một chủ đề thường gặp trong bài thi IELTS Speaking

TV Programs

  1.  What kinds of TV programs do you often watch?

I don’t usually watch TV, to be honest. But whenever I have time, I tend to binge watch game shows all day. It’s because I want to be entertained after a long hard day at work. This is also a good way to help alleviate stress and recharge the battery so I can get back to work strongly.

  1. Do you think kids are watching too much television?

Yes, I do think children are spending too much time sitting in front of the telly. Parents these days are so occupied with work that they don’t have enough time and patience to play with their kids and they just let the TV do the job. This is opposite to what happened in the past where kids only preferred going out without relying on any technical devices to have fun.

  1. What are the impacts of watching TV programs on children?

TV programs have heavy influences on youngsters, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, programs like game shows, quiz shows or reality shows are of great help in broadening children’s horizons. Such shows are very informative and children can take away a wealth of knowledge after watching them. However, when kids indulge in their favorite TV shows, they tend to neglect other responsibilities like household chores or homework. This is the reason why there are more and more children isolating themselves from people and getting more careless.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề TV programs
IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề TV programs

Fruits and vegetables

1. What kinds of TV programs do you often watch?

   I watch a variety of TV programs, but my preferences tend to lean towards educational documentaries and news programs. I find them informative and thought-provoking, and they keep me updated on current events and new discoveries.

  •  lean towards (v): ưu tiên cài gì hơn
  •  informative (adj): giàu thông tin
  • thought-provoking (adj): khiến phải suy nghĩ

2. Do you think kids are watching too much television?

   Yes, I believe that, in some cases, kids are watching too much television. While TV can be a valuable source of education and entertainment, excessive screen time can have negative effects on children’s physical and mental well-being. It’s important for parents to strike a balance and encourage other activities like outdoor play and reading.

  • strike a balance: duy trì sự cân bằng

3. What are the impacts of watching TV programs on children?

   Watching TV programs can have both positive and negative impacts on children. On the positive side, educational programs can enhance their knowledge and cognitive skills. However, excessive TV viewing, especially of inappropriate content, can lead to health issues like obesity and hinder social development. It’s essential for parents to monitor and guide their children’s TV consumption to ensure it’s beneficial and age-appropriate.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Fruits and Vegetables
Chủ đề Fruits and Vegetables – rau củ quả


1. Do you like Math?

   I have mixed feelings about math. There are certain aspects of Math that I find fascinating and enjoyable, especially when I understand the concepts clearly. However, there have been times when I’ve found Math challenging, which can make it a bit less likable.

  • likeable (adj: có thể yêu thích

2. When did you start learning mathematics?

   I started learning mathematics in primary school, so I was introduced to the basics at a young age. As I progressed through my education, the complexity of the math I learned increased accordingly.

3. Do you learn Math in secondary schools/high schools?

   Yes, mathematics is a fundamental subject taught in secondary schools and high schools. It’s an integral part of the curriculum and is typically divided into different levels or courses, depending on the grade and the educational system.

  • curriculum (n): chương trình giảng dạy

4. What can teachers do to make math more interesting to students?

   To make math more engaging for students, teachers can incorporate real-world examples and practical applications of mathematical concepts. They can also use interactive teaching methods, like games and group activities, to make learning math more fun and relatable. Providing extra support and encouragement to struggling students and showing them the practical uses of math in everyday life can also help boost interest in the subject.

  • incorporate (v): kết hợp
  • application (n): sự ứng dụng thực tế
Topic Math IELTS Speaking Part 1
Math (Toán học) là một chủ đề tương đối khó


1. Do you like to watch the sky?

Yes, I enjoy watching the sky, especially on clear, starry nights. It’s a peaceful and calming experience to gaze at the sky, whether it’s during the day with its changing colors or at night when the stars and moon are visible.

2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

The night sky in my hometown is usually quite clear, allowing for good stargazing. Since it’s not heavily polluted with city lights, you can often see a beautiful display of stars, and sometimes even constellations. The moon is also quite prominent on most nights.

  • stargazing (n): hoạt động ngắm sao
  • constellation (n): chòm sao

3. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

The night sky in my hometown offers a serene and tranquil view. It’s relatively unpolluted by artificial light, which makes stargazing a delightful experience. On clear nights, you can see a multitude of stars that create a mesmerizing spectacle, and the moon often shines brightly, adding to the beauty of the night sky.

  • mesmerizing (adj): mê hoặc
  • spectacle (n): cảnh tượng
Chủ đề Sky xuất hiện trong IELTS Speaking Part 1
Chủ đề Sky xuất hiện trong IELTS Speaking Part 1


1. What kinds of clothes do you usually wear?

 I typically wear casual and comfortable clothing for everyday activities. This includes jeans or trousers, T-shirts, and sneakers. However, for special occasions or work, I opt for more formal attire like dress shirts and slacks.

  • attire (n): trang phục
  • slacks (n): quần thụng

2. What kinds of clothes do other people wear?

The clothing choices of other people vary widely, depending on factors like their age, occupation, and personal style. I’ve observed people wearing everything from business suits to athletic wear, traditional clothing from their cultural backgrounds, and even fashion-forward outfits. It’s interesting to see the diversity in clothing choices.

3. Do you think clothes are important to people? (Why?/Why not?)

Yes, I believe clothes are important to people for several reasons. Firstly, they serve a practical purpose by providing protection and comfort. Secondly, clothes are a means of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their style and personality. They can also play a crucial role in making a positive impression, whether in social situations or the workplace. Ultimately, clothing is an integral part of human culture and identity, making it important in our lives. 

Chủ đề Clothes IELTS Speaking Part 1
Chủ đề Clothes cũng thường xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1


1. What do you usually do on the weekend?

On the weekends, I typically engage in a mix of relaxation and productivity. I like to catch up on reading, spend time with friends or family, and often pursue hobbies like hiking or exploring new places. It’s a balance between unwinding and making the most of my free time.

  • engage in (v): tham gia
  • make the most of: tận dụng 

2. What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend, I went on a day hike with some friends to a nearby nature reserve. We enjoyed the fresh air, scenic views, and had a picnic. It was a great way to get outdoors and unwind from the workweek.

  • reserve (n): khu dự trữ
  • scenic (adj): có cảnh đẹp

3. Do you make plans for your weekend?

Yes, I do make plans for my weekends, especially when there are specific activities or events I want to participate in. I find that having a rough plan helps me make the most of my free time, but I also leave room for spontaneity to ensure a good balance between structure and relaxation.

  • leave room for: nhường chỗ cho
  • spontaneity (n): sự ngẫu nhiên, sự tự nhiên diễn ra
IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Weekend
IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Weekend


1. How many hours do you sleep every day?

On average, I aim to get around 7 to 8 hours of sleep each day. I believe it’s essential to maintain my physical and mental well-being.

  • essential (adj): cần thiết

2. How to have a good sleep?

To have a good night’s sleep, I follow a few practices. I ensure my sleeping environment is comfortable, with a suitable mattress and pillows. I try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime, and engage in relaxing activities like reading or meditation before sleep. Additionally, I make sure my bedroom is dark and quiet, creating an ideal atmosphere for a restful night.

  • mattress (n): đệm
  • consistent (adj): nhất quán

3. Do you think sleep is important?

Yes, I consider sleep extremely important. It plays a fundamental role in our overall health and well-being. Quality sleep helps with physical and mental rejuvenation, enhances cognitive functions, and supports emotional stability. It’s a vital part of maintaining a healthy and productive life.

  • rejuvenation (n): sự trẻ hóa, sự tái tạo
Topic Sleep
Chủ đề Sleep (giấc ngủ)


Tree lại là một chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 lạ. Hãy xem thử những câu hỏi và câu trả lời cho chủ đề này nhé.

1. Do you like trees?

Yes, I do like trees. I appreciate their beauty and the many benefits they provide to the environment and our well-being.

2. Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees?

Absolutely, I would love to live in a place with lots of trees. The presence of trees not only enhances the aesthetics of an area but also contributes to cleaner air, a cooler climate, and a sense of tranquility. It’s an ideal setting for a peaceful and healthy lifestyle.

  • aesthetics (n): vẻ đẹp, tính thẩm mỹ

3. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees?

Yes, I believe places with abundant trees are more likely to attract visitors. Trees create a welcoming and natural ambiance that people find appealing. They provide shade, a connection to nature, and a serene environment, making such places more attractive for relaxation and recreation.

  • ambiance (n): bầu không khí
  • recreation (n): sự giải trí

4. Do you like to go to a forest?

Yes, I enjoy visiting forests. Forests offer a unique and immersive experience in nature. The serene atmosphere, diverse flora and fauna, and the opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of urban life make forest visits a refreshing and rejuvenating experience.

  • immersive (adj): đắm chìm
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Tree
Tree – cây cối cũng là một chủ đề dễ gặp


1. Why do some people have good memories while others just don’t?

People’s memory abilities can vary for several reasons. Factors like genetics, lifestyle, and individual habits play a role. Some individuals may have naturally better memory capabilities, while others might struggle due to distractions, stress, or lack of proper techniques to enhance memory.

2. Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things?

Many people rely on cell phones for memorization because of their convenience and accessibility. With smartphones, it’s easy to store and retrieve information quickly, which can be more efficient than trying to remember everything. Additionally, technology has led to information overload, making it challenging to retain all details without digital assistance.

  • overload (n): sự quá tải
  • retain (v): giữ lại

3. Are you good at memorizing things?

I would say I have decent memorization skills. I use various techniques like making associations, using mnemonic devices, and repetition to help me remember important information. However, like many, I also rely on my smartphone for certain details and reminders in our fast-paced, information-driven world.

  • decent (adj): tốt
  • mnemonic device (n): thiết bị ghi nhớ
Topic Memory
Are you good at memorizing things?


1. Do you like reading?

Yes, I do enjoy reading. It’s a wonderful way to gain knowledge, escape into different worlds, and explore new perspectives. Reading is a fulfilling and enriching activity for me.

2. Do you read professional books?

Yes, I do read professional books related to my field of work or areas of interest. They provide valuable insights and help me stay updated in my chosen profession, contributing to personal and career growth.

3. Do you think it’s important that children read regularly?

Absolutely, I believe it’s crucial for children to read regularly. Reading not only enhances their language and cognitive skills but also fosters creativity and critical thinking. It’s a habit that can open up a world of knowledge and imagination, which is invaluable for a child’s development.

Topic Reading Part 1 Speaking
Do you like reading?


1. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I have a diverse taste in music, but I particularly enjoy listening to rock and classical music. Rock music energizes me, and classical pieces offer a sense of serenity and complexity that I find captivating.

  • captivating (adj): thu hút, hấp dẫn

2. If you could learn a musical instrument, what would it be?

If I had the opportunity, I would love to learn to play the piano. It’s a versatile and beautiful instrument that can evoke a wide range of emotions through its melodies.

  • versatile (adj): đa năng
  • evoke (v): khơi dậy

3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?

Yes, my music preferences have evolved over the years. When I was young, I leaned more towards pop and contemporary music. As I’ve grown older, I’ve developed an appreciation for a wider variety of genres, including classical and jazz. My taste in music has become more eclectic and open to different styles.

  • eclectic (adj): chiết trung
Topic Music
Topic Music Part 1 Speaking


1. What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is blue. I find it to be a calming and versatile color that can be both soothing and invigorating, depending on the shade.

  • soothing (adj): êm dịu
  • invigorating (adj): đầy năng lượng

2. What is the color that you dislike?

I don’t particularly dislike any color, as I believe each color has its own unique charm and purpose. However, if I had to choose, I might say that I‘m less inclined towards overly bright and fluorescent colors, as they can be a bit overwhelming.

  • be inclined towards: có xu hướng 
  •  fluorescent (adj): rực rỡ
  • overwhelming (adj): choáng ngợp

3. What colors do you want to paint your house with?

When it comes to painting my house, I prefer a combination of soft and neutral colors. Earthy tones like beige, soft gray, and warm cream create a cozy and welcoming ambiance, and they provide a great backdrop for various decorative elements and furniture.

  • When it comes to something: Nhắc đến, đề cập đến cái gì
Chủ đề Color trong bài nói IELTS
Chủ đề Color – màu sắc


1. What subject are you studying at university?

I am currently pursuing a degree in computer science at university. It’s an exciting field that constantly evolves, and I’m passionate about technology and problem-solving.

2. What will you do after finishing your studies?

After completing my studies, I plan to enter the tech industry as a software developer. I’m eager to apply the knowledge and skills I’ve gained during my university years to real-world projects and contribute to technological advancements.

  •  advancement (n): sự cải tiến

3. Is there an increased trend for further education in your country?

Yes, there is a growing trend for further education in my country. Many individuals recognize the importance of continuous learning and upgrading their skills to stay competitive in the job market. As a result, more people are pursuing postgraduate degrees, online courses, and vocational training to enhance their career prospects.

Being in a hurry

1. When was your last time you did something in a hurry?

My most recent experience of doing something in a hurry was last week when I had to submit a project at work. I had a tight deadline, so I had to complete it quickly.

  •  a tight deadline (n): lịch trình dày đặc

2. Do you like to finish things quickly?

It depends on the task. For some things, like work assignments or chores, I prefer to complete them efficiently. However, for activities I enjoy, like reading a good book or savoring a delicious meal, I prefer not to rush and take my time to fully appreciate the experience.

  • savor (v): nếm thử
  • take my time (v): tốn thời gian

3. What kind of things do you never do in a hurry?

I never like to do creative tasks in a hurry. Whether it’s writing, painting, or any form of artistic expression, I believe it’s important to give these activities the time and attention they deserve to achieve the best results. Creativity flourishes when I’m not rushed.

  • flourish (v): phát triển
Bài mẫu Speaking Part 1 chủ đề In a hurry (vội vàng)
Bài mẫu Speaking Part 1 chủ đề In a hurry (vội vàng)


1. When was your last time working with a team?

I worked with a team just last week on a group project for one of my university courses. We collaborated to research, plan, and present our findings, which was a valuable team effort.

2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?

I appreciate both working with others and working independently, depending on the task. Teamwork can bring diverse perspectives and skills to the table, while solitary work allows for deep focus and self-paced learning.

  • bring something to the table: đóng góp cái gì cho tập thể
  • solitary work (n): làm việc đơn độc

3. What’s the most important thing for teamwork?

The most important thing for teamwork is effective communication. Clear and open communication among team members ensures that everyone is on the same page, understands their roles, and can resolve issues efficiently. It promotes collaboration and a harmonious working environment.

  • on the same page: có cùng quan điểm
  • harmonious (adj): hòa hợp

4. Do you like to be a leader?

I do enjoy taking on leadership roles when the situation demands it. Being a leader can be fulfilling, as it provides the opportunity to guide and inspire a team. However, I also value being a team member and contributing to a group effort, depending on the context and goals of the project.

  • take on (v): đảm nhiệm
Chủ đề Teamwork
Part 1 Speaking chủ đề Teamwork

Social media

Social media là chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 có xu hướng xuất hiện nhiều trong đề thi những năm gần đây. Chủ đề này gần gũi với đa số người học.

1. How often do you use social media?

I use social media regularly, probably several times a day. It has become an integral part of my daily routine, helping me stay connected with friends and updated on various topics.

  • integral (adj): quan trọng

2. What do you like about social media?

I appreciate the convenience and accessibility that social media offers. It allows me to keep in touch with friends and family, share experiences, and discover news and trends from around the world. It’s a versatile platform for communication and information.

  • keep in touch with somebody: giữ liên lạc với ai

3. Are there any disadvantages to using social media?

Yes, there are some drawbacks to social media. It can be time-consuming, leading to distractions from more important tasks. Additionally, there are concerns about privacy and the impact of excessive screen time on one’s well-being. It’s essential to use social media mindfully and strike a balance between the virtual and real world.

  • drawback (n): hạn chế
  • time-consuming (adj): tốn thời gian
chủ đề Social media
Social Media là topic thường gặp những năm gần đây

Nguồn ôn luyện các chủ đề Speaking Part 1

Sau đây Edmicro sẽ tổng hợp nguồn ôn luyện các chủ đề Speaking Part 1 để bạn sử dụng trong quá trình học Speaking.

Basic IELTS Speaking

Cuốn sách hướng dẫn phương pháp xử lý các câu hỏi trong từng phần của bài thi, giới thiệu các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1thường gặp và các câu hỏi luyện tập. Sách cũng đưa ra các phương pháp, chiến thuật làm bài. Người học cũng có cơ hội thử sức với các đề thi theo sát cấu trúc và độ khó của đề thi thực

Get ready for IELTS Speaking

Get ready for IELTS Speaking được coi là cuốn sách nhập môn cho những ai bắt đầu thử sức với kỳ thi IELTS. Sách bao gồm 12 chủ đề cơ bản thường xuất hiện trong bài Nói. Việc ôn luyện từng chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 giúp bạn khai thác sâu và có sự chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho bài thi chính thức.

Phần review sau mỗi 3 chủ đề giúp bạn ôn tập lại những gì đã học được. Ngoài các bài thực hành, sách cũng đưa ra những hướng dẫn, tips luyện nói và các bài mẫu.

Cambridge IELTS 1-18

Cambridge IELTS 1-18 là các đầu sách kinh điển trong ôn luyện IELTS 4 kỹ năng. Với các chủ điểm đa dạng, format theo sát bài thi Speaking thực tế, đây được xem là nguồn đề chất lượng giúp bạn yên tâm ôn luyện. Bạn có thể tự tin chinh phục mọi chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 sau khi học cuốn sách này.

App Admicro IELTS

Edmicro IELTS là ứng dụng luyện Speaking tích hợp công nghệ AI dành cho người học ở mọi trình độ. Các bài học Speaking giúp bạn chinh phục các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 từ trình độ dễ đến khó. Bạn sẽ được hướng dẫn chi tiết cách phát âm chuẩn, cách tư duy bằng tiếng Anh và phát triển ý tưởng của bài Speaking.

Bạn cũng có thể thi thử Speaking với trải nghiệm y như thi thật. Phần thi của bạn sẽ được chấm chữa chi tiết bởi AI. AI cũng sẽ phân tích ngữ pháp được sử dụng và gợi ý bộ từ vựng đắt giá để nâng band điểm bài IELTS Speaking Part 1 của bạn.

Nguồn ôn luyện IELTS Speaking Part 1
Nguồn ôn luyện IELTS Speaking Part 1
Speaking PC

Lưu ý khi trả lời Speaking Part 1

Phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 chỉ kéo dài trong vòng 4-5 phút. Bạn sẽ trả lời khoảng 12 câu hỏi xoay quanh 3 chủ đề. Các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 thường thông dụng, gần gũi, không đòi hỏi kiến thức chuyên môn.

Lưu ý khi trả lời Speaking Part 1
Lưu ý khi trả lời Speaking Part 1

Câu trả lời trực tiếp, có trọng tâm

Với thời lượng ngắn, bạn cần đưa ra các câu trả lời ở dạng trực tiếp. Sau đó bạn làm rõ và mở rộng ý bằng các lý giải và ví dụ thực tế. Thông tin trong câu trả lời của bạn cần ngắn gọn, có trọng tâm. Tuy nhiên các câu trả lời quá ngắn theo dạng YES/NO và không có các ý mở rộng sẽ khiến bạn mất điểm trước giám khảo.

Đảm bảo độ trôi chảy của bài nói

Nhiều thí sinh khi bước vào phòng thi Speaking có tâm lý căng thẳng, luôn lo lắng liệu mình đã đủ ý chưa, diễn đạt đúng ngữ pháp hay không. Lời khuyên là hãy gác lại những gì đã nói và tập trung thể hiện tốt nhất trong các phần tiếp theo. Điều này đảm bảo tiêu chí Fluency khi bạn bắt gặp bất cứ chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 nào

Ứng biến linh hoạt với các chủ đề khó

Nếu trong phòng thi bạn gặp phải những chủ đề mới lạ so với các chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 thường thấy thì bạn không nên quá lo lắng. Hãy bắt đầu tư duy để đưa vấn đề xa lạ về những chủ đề quen thuộc. Bạn cũng có thể bắt đầu nói về sự thiếu hiểu biết của bạn về chủ đề đó và bàn luận về một vài ý nhỏ trong khả năng của bạn.

Trên đây là tổng hợp chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 cùng các sample chi tiết được Edmicro tổng hợp. Chúc bạn ôn luyện hiệu quả và ghi trọn điểm trong phần thi này.


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