Name IELTS Speaking Part 1: Từ Vựng & Sample Chi Tiết

Topic Name IELTS Speaking Part 1 tuy không đòi hỏi kiến thức chuyên môn nhưng có thể gây lúng túng cho rất nhiều thí sinh. Trong bài viết hôm nay, hãy cùng Edmicro xử gọn Name IELTS Speaking nhé.

Từ vựng Names IELTS Speaking Part 1

Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Name đòi hỏi bạn phải có vốn từ vựng đặc thù. Đây cũng sẽ là điểm sáng để bạn ăn điểm ở tiêu chí Lexical Resource. Dưới đây là bộ từ vựng cơ bản dành cho bài nói IELTS Speaking Part 1 Name.

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27 từ vựng cần nhớ cho chủ đề Name của bài thi IELTS Speaking
27 từ vựng cần nhớ cho chủ đề Name của bài thi IELTS Speaking

Sample chi tiết IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Name

Cùng tham khảo bộ sample chi tiết cho Part 1 IELTS Speaking Name topic dưới đây để hiểu cách triển khai ý tưởng và cách diễn đạt cho chủ đề này.

  1. How did your parents choose your name?

I got my name from my parents. They chose it for me shortly after I was born. My name, Thanh Huong, doesn’t have a specific meaning or significance in terms of family tradition or cultural heritage. It’s simply a name they liked, and it’s the one I’ve been known by throughout my life.

  • specific (adj): cụ thể
  1. Does your name have any special (or particular) meaning?

No, my name, Thanh Huong, doesn’t have any special or particular meaning. It was chosen by my parents because they liked how it sounded, and it doesn’t carry any significant cultural or historical significance in our family. It’s a straightforward and simple name that I’ve been called by throughout my life.

  1. Is it easy for you to remember people’s names?

It can vary. Sometimes I find it easy to remember people’s names, especially if I’ve had a meaningful conversation with them or if their name is distinctive in some way. However, there are also times when I struggle with it, especially if I’ve met a lot of new people at once, or the names are very similar. I try my best to remember names because I think it’s a polite and respectful thing to do, but it’s not always effortless for me.

  •  polite (adj): lịch sự 
  • respectful (adj): mang tính tôn trọng
  •  effortless (adj): không cần nỗ lực, dễ dàng
  1.  Did your family have a certain (nick) name that they called you when you were a child?

When I was born, I had been crying for more than 2 hours. Therefore, my parents decided to call me Crocodile, which turned out to be my nickname afterwards. It was such a funny name which still makes me embarrassed when my parents call my nickname in front of my friends.

  • turned out (+ to V): hóa ra là
  • embarrassed (adj): bẽ bàng, xấu hổ
  1.   Is your name common or unusual in your country?

Yes, my family had a special nickname for me when I was a child. They used to call me Bong. It was a cute and affectionate name that my parents and close family members used. It’s a sweet memory from my childhood, and even today, they sometimes use it to bring back those nostalgic moments. 

  • affectionate (adj): trìu mến

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 Is your name common or unusual in your country?
 Is your name common or unusual in your country?
  1. In your country, do people feel that their names are very important?

Yes, in my country, people generally place significant importance on their names. Names are not only a way to identify individuals but also carry cultural, familial, and sometimes even religious significance. Many people are proud of their names and consider them a vital part of their identity. Names can reflect one’s heritage, family traditions, and can also have a bearing on social interactions and perceptions. So, yes, names are indeed considered very important in my culture.

  • place significant importance on something: xem cái gì là quan trọng 
  • vital (adj): quan trọng
  •  reflect (v): phản ánh
  1. Who usually names babies in your country?

In my country, the tradition is for the parents of the baby to be the ones who typically name their children. It’s a meaningful and personal decision for the parents, and they often take into consideration various factors, including family traditions, cultural significance, and personal preferences when choosing a name for their child. However, in some cases, they may also seek input or suggestions from other family members or elders, but the final decision usually rests with the parents.

  • take into consideration: suy xét cẩn thận
  •  rest with somebody: chịu trách nhiệm bởi ai, phụ thuộc vào ai
  1.  Is there any tradition about naming children?

In my culture, there are naming traditions. One common tradition is naming children after grandparents or respected family members to honor the family legacy. Names might also have specific meanings or be based on birth dates or astrological signs. Some families hold naming ceremonies to formalize the choice. These traditions vary from culture to culture, reflecting community values and beliefs.

  • astrological sign (n): cung hoàng đạo
  • formalize (v): chính thức hóa
 Is there any tradition about naming children?
 Is there any tradition about naming children?
  1.  If you could change your name, would you? 

I’ve never seriously considered changing my name. I’m comfortable with the name I have, and it’s a significant part of my identity. However, if there were a compelling reason, such as cultural integration or personal preference, I might consider it. But for now, I’m content with my name.

  • compelling reason (n): lý do bất khả kháng
  • cultural integration (n): sự hòa nhập văn hóa
  • be content with: hài lòng với
  1.  Does anyone in your family have the same name as you?

No, in my family, I’m the only one with my name. My parents chose it for me, and it’s unique within our family. It’s a name that holds a special place in our family, and I’m the only one carrying it.

  • hold a special place: giữ vị trí quan trọng

13. How would you choose names for your next generation?

When choosing names for the next generation, I would consider family traditions, cultural significance, and personal preferences. Positive meanings and ease of pronunciation would be important. I’d involve my partner in the decision to ensure our children’s names reflect our shared values and heritage.

Trên đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết cho chủ đề Name IELTS Speaking Part 1. Edmicro hy vọng bộ từ vựng và sample trên đây đã giúp bạn hoàn thiện hơn bài nói của mình và tự tin để nắm trọn điểm phần thi này.


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